Angela is a registered and licensed dietitian with a passion for helping mothers and their families meet their nutrition goals and live healthier, happier lives. She is a resident of the Sandhills, a military wife, and mother to 2 young boys. Angela graduated from The Ohio University with a bachelors of science in dietetics and from The Ohio State University with a masters of science in nutrition. She strongly believes that eating healthy does not have to be complicated and promotes eating real food with minimal ingredients.
We hope you enjoy the following health and nutrition-related information. Questions, comments, and requests are always welcome and encouraged!

Looking for ways for you and your kids to eat healthier?
Try Sandhills Farm to Table! Each week is like Christmas for you and the kids. Sign up for weekly or ...

Have a Healthy Thanksgiving!
Are you looking to stay on track with healthy eating this holiday season? Maintaining your healthy eating habits may seem ...

Have a Healthy Halloween!
Halloween is just a few short days away which means most kids are gearing up for a fun night of ...

5 New School Lunch Ideas
We are almost 2 months into the new school year which has many parents and kids looking to mix things ...

Boost your Energy!
Are you feeling tired and sluggish more often than you would like? Follow these 5 tips to fight fatigue and ...

Healthy Summer Habits
School is out for the summer which means our normal routines are all out of wack! Changes in sleeping, eating, ...

Stay Hydrated This Summer
Temperatures are on the rise in the Sandhills, which makes staying hydrated and drinking plenty of fluids more important than ...

Travel Snacks for Kids
Are you and your family planning to hit the road this summer for vacation? Planning ahead when it comes to ...

5 Tips to Healthier Grilling
With the summer months quickly approaching, many Americans are firing up their grills with their favorite foods. While it was ...

The 2016 Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen
The environmental working group (EWG) updated the “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean Fifteen” lists earlier this year. Data from the United ...