Parent Blogs
Category: Parent Blogs

Cycles of Life: Embracing Both Loss and New Beginnings
Life has a way of being incredibly unexpected, which in my opinion is one of the most beautiful aspects of ...

‘Tis the Season….to gain 5 pounds? Not this year!
The season is upon us where family and friends come together to celebrate and enjoy everything this season has to ...

Healthy Snacks for Kids
Providing healthful snacks for children can be a challenging task. It is easy to fall into a snack rut where ...

Immune Boosting Foods!
It's cold and flu season again which means the dreaded coughs, colds, runny noses, and sleepless nights. As parents we ...

Can Emotional IQ for business apply to family life too?
I read a lot of business articles. Like many of you reading this post, I'm a mom and a wife ...

Moore Tales of Motherhood- Praise Cheez-Its?
Each year over Thanksgiving break my family and I break out our holiday decorations. My children look forward to this ...

Moore Tales of Motherhood- Guilt Trip
On my newborn son’s first day home from the hospital I had to take him back to the doctor for ...

Moore Tales of Motherhood- Budget Friendly Halloween Party
If I could have a redo on the career path I would go into party planning for children. There is ...

Moore Tales of Motherhood-The Great Costume Challenge
Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love hay rides and corn mazes, carving pumpkins, and decorating with my children. My ...

Moore Tales of Motherhood-My Weekend with Oprah
I am a huge fan of Oprah Winfrey. For more than a decade the Oprah Show was a regular staple ...

Life changes
After finding out we were having our first child, we were all together excited and nervous. A happy, healthy, sleepy ...

Moore Tales of Motherhood
This year my three children are all in school, which means five days a week for four hours a day ...

Rainy Day activities to do with your kids
Looking for some boredom-busting ideas to get you through a rainy day with the kids?? Here are some ways to ...

10 Ways to Prepare Your Child for School
Starting school can be a difficult time for children. Every child is hesitant to go somewhere new and see people ...

summery sweet treat
Even though it isn't officially summer, the temperatures have definitely been climbing. When we lost power for 18 hours, a ...

music for brave kids
I’ve been listening to a lot of new music lately (thank you A Mighty Girl). I downloaded a bunch of ...

A Mighty Girl (and boy)
Every once in a while I find a website that just amazes me. Recently, a friend posted a link from ...
A Lesson in Strategy
Merriam-Webster defines strategy as “a careful plan or method.” It is also “the science and art of military command exercised ...

Family Portraits
One of the things about having kids is an extreme abundance of photographs. With digital photography, we tend to have ...
Celebrating our Differences
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in the Sandhills. But in our house, and a small grouping ...

How the Remote Controls Us
Whether you agree with the American Academy of Pediatrics stance on TV viewing time or not, I think we can ...

Music, Montessori & Making-Do
Over the past year or so, our family has taken deliberate steps to adapt our home environment to incorporate the ...

Reading Rampage
Books are a big thing in my house. I have a serious book addiction and have passed it on to ...

Sandhills Families –Summer Safety
by Crystal Taylor As each new day gets warmer we are all reminded of how much we like to take ...
-Social Media we need a virtual understanding – Crystal Taylor
I have to admit I wanted so much not to be a part of the social media scene. Not because ...

Don’t Let the Cold “Freeze” Your Family’s Activity Level!
By Misty Owens-Certified Personal Trainer/Pilates Instructor (706)577-8521 (910)246-0075's cold out there! Sure it's cold outside, but letting the ...

Allergy/asthma issues – please share your experiences
Both my children have asthma and allergies my daughter has seasonal and my son has a whole list of stuff, ...