Even though it isn't officially summer, the temperatures have definitely been climbing. When we lost power for 18 hours, a lot of our frozen fruit got a bit mushy. That led me to make a super simple sorbet that was a major hit with the kids. Use store bought frozen
I’ve been listening to a lot of new music lately (thank you A Mighty Girl). I downloaded a bunch of songs to create a new playlist for the girls that I wouldn’t get so sick of and honestly, some of them rock so much that I’m happy to listen to
Every once in a while I find a website that just amazes me. Recently, a friend posted a link from A Mighty Girl on Facebook and once I was able to actually take a look around, I was highly impressed. Apparently the site has been around for a year and
Merriam-Webster defines strategy as “a careful plan or method.” It is also “the science and art of military command exercised to meet the enemy in combat under advantageous conditions.” These are truly important skills that we want our kids to learn. But how in the world do we teach them?
One of the things about having kids is an extreme abundance of photographs. With digital photography, we tend to have even more and more decisions about how to print them and what to do with them once they are printed. I could, and quite possibly might, write many posts about
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in the Sandhills. But in our house, and a small grouping of other homes in the area, the familiar green and red is replaced by the blues and silvers of Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a relatively unimportant holiday in the Jewish religion,
Books are a big thing in my house. I have a serious book addiction and have passed it on to both of my children. My older child taught herself to read at a young age and has a truly voracious appetite for books. My little one is very opinionated about
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