Looking for some boredom-busting ideas to get you through a rainy day with the kids??
Here are some ways to spend a rainy day:
Building forts.
Reading books… in forts.
Grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup.
Baking sweet treats.
Tea party.
Puddle jumping!
Making bread. From scratch.
Drawing on the windows with dry erase markers.
Playing with stickers!
Whipping up a batch of homemade play dough.
Trying new things!
Designing your own board game.
Drawing comics.
Taking a nap.
Impromptu puppet shows.
Living room dance parties.
Building with blocks or Legos.
Filming silly videos.
Making your own instruments.
Beading necklaces.
Homemade “lava lamps”.
Play dress-up!
Hide and seek.
Recording your own audio books.
Indoor picnics.
Building an obstacle course.
Carpet golf.
Indoor carnivals.
Air-popped popcorn.
Making a target range for marshmallow shooters.
Building a cardboard city.
Playing hopscotch indoors.
Sensory bins!
Recycle old crayons into new ones.