We asked families who support SandhillsKids.com who their special charity or supported organization is and we were thrilled to receive the responses listed below! If you are looking for a cause to support, please read through the list below.
- Wounded Warriors Project
- Unchaining Moore Dogs: Unchaining Moore Dogs is a non-profit organization whose goal is to unchain dogs, “one at a time” ! Helping the people and dogs of Moore County.
By providing a safe and comfortable environment where they can run freely.
To provide education to the community concerning the ramifications of “chaining” dogs.
Facebook Page
Email: UnchainingMooreDogs @gmail.com
- Autism Society of Moore County: We are committed to providing support and promoting opportunities which enhance the lives of individuals within the autism spectrum and their families.
Facebook Page
- Green Beret Foundation: The Green Beret Foundation is a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit organization that provides unconventional resources to facilitate the special needs of our wounded, ill and injured Green Berets and Green Beret Gold Star families. The GBF imparts unique support to the Special Forces Community in order to strengthen readiness and uphold Green Beret traditions and values.We operate with high efficiency in the most challenging special operations environment, mitigating the burden while Caring for America’s Quiet Professionals and facilitating their return to active duty or a successful transition to civilian life.
website: greenberetfoundation.org
- Avery’s Angels Gastroschisis Foundation: We are a foundation dedicated to gastroschisis research, awareness and family support. We are an all-volunteer 501(c)3 non-profit
website: http://averysangels.org/
- Miracle for Savannah Grace: Brooke Autry is raising funds for her little girl to undergo a life changing surgery. She was born with many difficulties including blindness, sodium diabetes, she can’t regulate her temperature and more.. She is hospitalized often and the many aliments threaten her young life (she’s just over 1 year old).
- Little League Rescue
- Solutions for Animals
- St. Baldrick’s
- KT Foundation
- The Butterfly Club: Providing wigs to women and teenagers for FREE who are fighting cancer.
Website: http://www.butterflyclub.net
- Homes for Our Troops: Mission: To build specially adapted homes for severely injured Veterans across the nation to enable them to rebuild their lives.
Purpose: Homes for Our Troops is a privately funded national non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization committed to helping those who have selflessly given to our country and have returned home with serious injuries since September 11, 2001. We assist severely injured Veterans and their families by raising awareness, community involvement, money, building materials and professional labor, and by coordinating the process to build a specially adapted home. Our homes provide the Veterans security, maximum freedom of movement and the ability to live more independently. These homes are provided mortgage-free to the Veterans we serve, removing the long-term financial burden of a mortgage, and enabling them to focus on their family, recovery, and rebuilding their lives.
website: https://www.hfotusa.org/
- Kids Get Arthritis Too – Arthritis Foundation: The Arthritis Foundation has been fighting juvenile arthritis and supporting families for more than 60 years. Every year we invest more than $4.5 million in outreach and JA-specific research that advances treatments and will lead to a cure. We also make living with juvenile arthritis better through valuable information online and in print that reaches millions of people.
website: http://www.kidsgetarthritistoo.org/
- Realizing Noah’s Potential: Noah Jones, the youngest of three boys, is an eight year old brilliant child who was born suffering from a catastrophic seizure disorder due to an extremely rare brain malformation. For the first three years of his life, he persevered through three brain surgeries resulting in the removal of the left half of his brain.
Noah has been seizure free for five years. Through the effort, charity, and hard work of Noah and those around him, he has overcome many obstacles as a result of his condition. Some of these are cognitive delays, a visual field cut, and moderate paralysis of the right side of his body.
We, Noah’s parents, have constantly sought the best education and medical care for him as he continues to show an awe-inspiring resilience and ability to rise to every bar that some experts have said he would not reach.
Our family has been presented with a phenomenal opportunity for Noah to attend a Montessori school which is located in Kansas, halfway across the country from our home in North Carolina. We intend for him to start his new school on October 6th of this year. For the past several years, we have been planning and taking steps to get Noah to this school that could very well be the determining factor in the level of independence and academic success for the remainder of his childhood
GoFundMe Page: http://www.gofundme.com/d4p6b0
- Special Olympics
- St. Jude
- Susan B. Komen Foundation
- Meals on Wheels of the Sandhills
- Isabella’s Spectrum Designs: This group has been designed mainly to educate share and support eachother on the topic of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
website: IsabellasSpectrumDesigns.WordPress.com