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Have a Healthy Halloween!

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Halloween is just a few short days away which means most kids are gearing up for a fun night of trick or treating! Much of the Halloween holiday is centered around dressing up and going door to door looking for sweet treats. While the focus of Halloween for kids may be filling up their trick or treat baskets, much of the holiday can still be celebrated in a healthful (and fun!) way. Simple tips such as having a healthy dinner before heading out for the night have been shown to reducing bingeing on candy. Other Halloween night planning such as setting a reasonable candy limit in advance and walking from door to door for exercise will keep your family on track during Halloween.

The post-Halloween candy stash provides what seems like unlimited candy that will last for months. Consider having your child pick their favorite candies and get rid of the rest or trading a large portion of their sweet treats for a non-food item such as a toy or a few dollars.

See below for some Halloween snack or party ideas. Have a safe and spooky Halloween!

apple-spiders                    broom-sticks

cheese-ghosts               fruit

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