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Stay Hydrated This Summer

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Temperatures are on the rise in the Sandhills, which makes staying hydrated and drinking plenty of fluids more important than ever. Whether you are exercising, enjoying a relaxing day at the beach, or just having some outdoor family time at home, making sure you and your family are drinking enough fluids is a must! Water makes up over half of our bodies and is involved in pretty much every bodily function making dehydration extremely detrimental to our health. Symptoms of dehydration can really put a damper on our summer fun and include thirst, headache, fatigue, altered mental status, dizziness, decreased urination, dark yellow urine, and constipation.

How much water do we need? Recommendations vary based on gender, age, weight, medical conditions, activity level, and temperature and humidity levels. See below for daily fluid intake recommedations for children.

Age Gender Total Water (cups/day)
4-8 years Girls & Boys 5
9-13 years Girls 7
Boys 8
14-18 years Girls 8
Boys 11

 Tips for staying hydrated

  1. Start your day off right by drinking a glass of water immediately when you wake up.
  2. Bring reusable water bottles with you during the day. Having water available to you within reach throughout the day makes you much more likely to drink up.
  3. Tired of plain water? Try beverages such as smoothies, coconut water, or add fruit such as cucumbers or berries to your water for extra flavor. Avoid drinking sports drink, fruit juice, and soda as much as possible due to the high sugar content and extra calories.
  4. Eat your fluids- fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, cantaloupe, berries, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, squash, and celery are made up primarily of water. These foods contribute not only water but many healthy nutrients to your diet.
  5. Avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol as they act as a diuretic which can contribute to dehydration.
  6. Drink extra fluids before, during, and after physical activity and when spending time outdoors. Experts recommend weighing yourself before and after exercise to determine fluid loss. For each pound lost, drink 1 extra pint of water.

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