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One Clip at a Time – Awareness of the Holocaust at Southern Middle School

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Southern Middle School “One Clip at A Time” Paper Clip project. Rawl’s AIG classes would like to ReCreate the Understanding of the Magnitude of the Holocaust with collecting 6 million paper clips… These 6 million Paper Clips will be collected to Honor the lives lost during the Holocaust.  The classes will build a

Our Challenge name is ” What does 6 million Look Like? #PaperClips2014

Let’s connect our worlds “One Clip at a Time”, this project will help this culture understand the impact of the actions of prejudice, injustice, and inequality in 2014.

Send your paper clips and message for the “Silent Protest” to: Project Paper Clips 2014, AIG Program/Distant Learning, Southern Middle School,717 Johnson Street, Aberdeen, NC 28315, Call 910-693-1550 or email for more information.Please feel free to mail in a paper clip with a special message attached for the students to read…


Or contribute towards the purchase of paper clips here and add special message attached for the students to read:


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