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Upromise is a definite hidden college savings secret!

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In just a year, I have saved $500 towards college just by using the link when shopping online, linking ecoupons to my Food Lion card, and making hotel, airline and car rental reservations though!  No investments – just using what I already had to spend, to save!

I knew this existed years ago, but until I really started using it, and seeing the dollars saving rack up, I wasn’t that excited.  Nobody is paying me to write about this.  I just really enjoy sharing savings that are EASY with other parents.  Why not save with e-coupons for groceries while also getting cash deposited into your Upromise account!  Just take a few minutes to click through, activate the e-coupons you are interested in, and if you have linked your grocery cards and credit cards to your Upromise account, the savings are automatic!

I also installed a toolbar that shows me every website I am on, and what Upromise rewards they offer, if they do.  I am then reminded to click Activate Cash Back!  Sure, I keep track of what I am due back, because no system or person is perfect.  So a couple times after I didn’t notice my earnings deposited, I simply filled out the form and uploaded my receipts and they were always great and making sure those earnings were added to my account.

You can invite your friends and family to do the same!  If they do this and link to your account, they can help you save for your kids’ college by simply spending after they have linked their credit cards and grocery cards!

You can then setup a 529B College savings plan, to automatically transfer your earnings to, or just ask for cash, or put into an account of another type.  It is up to you.

I forgot to mention that a lot of times when you click from the website itself, they offer special promotional codes.  For example I was traveling to see family one weekend and saw through Upromise I could get a free weekend car rental!  That was $30 off making a Fri-Mon rental only cost $65!

Here is the link to sign up

Here is the link to the e-coupons once you had setup your Upromise account:  *Remember – NO COUPONS TO PRINT ON THIS SPECIFIC LINK!  JUST ACTIVATE TO YOUR GROCERY CARD!

Happy Saving!!

Do you have savings tips? Either for college, or just ways to save on a daily basis, that DON’T TAKE A WEEK OF COUPON CLIPPING AND ORGANIZING?  Face it – that is not realistic for most of us who are busy full time.  What we need is a way to save EASILY!  Please comment below and let us know your tips!

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