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Volunteer Opportunities at Red Cross

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Moore County Chapter
115 E Pennsylvania Avenue
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Phone: (910) 692-8571

The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. We invite you to explore the many volunteer opportunities available:

General Volunteer – Adult
Looking to volunteer on a regular basis? A variety of opportunities are available for you to join us daily, weekly or monthly.

General Volunteer – Youth 15-17
Volunteers aged 15 – 17 are encouraged to become part of our Youth Program, which offers meaningful opportunities for education, training and community service.

2 thoughts on “Volunteer Opportunities at Red Cross

  1. Hi Anita,
    Thank you for your question. Please contact
    Volunteer Opportunities at Red Cross
    07 July 2013 by Michelle in Volunteer Opportunities – 1 Comment

    Moore County Chapter
    115 E Pennsylvania Avenue
    Southern Pines, NC 28387
    Phone: (910) 692-8571 for volunteer opportunities. We would appreciate if you let us know what you find out by commenting here. There are other teens who would love to volunteer and we’d love to share that information. Thank you! Please join our free newsletter list and discount card and follow us at

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