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summery sweet treat

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Even though it isn’t officially summer, the temperatures have definitely been climbing. When we lost power for 18 hours, a lot of our frozen fruit got a bit mushy. That led me to make a super simple sorbet that was a major hit with the kids. Use store bought frozen fruit or freeze some of the amazing local fruit that we get to savor during the summer. It’s a dessert that the kids will clamor for that isn’t that bad for them.


Super Simple Berry Sorbet

  • slightly thawed frozen fruit – we used about a 1/2 bag of mixed berries and 1/2 bag of strawberries.
  • 1/3 cup cream or 1/2 and 1/2
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • about a teaspoon of vanilla

Stick all items in the blender or food processor and blend.

When you make it, the sorbet will be like soft serve. We enjoyed it like that, but you can also put it in the freezer to firm up a bit.


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