Parents please share with your kids and communicate about drug use. It’s never to early!
Download printable contract – click here
WHEREAS, mind-altering drugs and alcohol distract from productive
activities, may become addictive, impair a user’s ability to think and act
in a responsible manner and;
WHEREAS, it is highly dangerous to use another person’s prescription drug or
an illegal drug due to unintended side effects, addiction, or overdose death and;
WHEREAS, underage drinking inhibits brain development and;
WHEREAS, street drugs and medications that were not prescribed to me are
illegal to use and possess, and it is illegal for persons under the age of
21 to consume alcohol;
WHEREAS, one in three Moore Co, NC high school students have never used
alcohol and;
WHEREAS, half of Moore Co, NC high school students have never used
cigarettes and;
WHEREAS, six in ten Moore Co, NC high school students have never used
marijuana and;
WHEREAS, 94 out of one hundred Moore Co, NC high school students have never
used drugs such as ecstasy, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, or steroids;
To treat myself and those around me with respect by refusing to use or to condone the use of illegal drugs, medications not prescribed to the user, and underage drinking.
Drug Free Moore County, Inc.
PO Box 4052—Pinehurst, NC 28374—Phone 910-947-1902