Welcome to SandhillsKids.com! With over 500 pages of information, new features and great sponsors, it is always growing!.
- Stay Connected – In addition to our e-newsletter, we’ve expanded how you can stay connected with what’s happening on SandhillsKids.com. From RSS feeds that give you the latest posts without ever having to visit our site to our Facebook Group for e-notifications, we’re using the best online tools to help you keep up with life in the Sandhills you way. Learn More!
- Real Time News – We get tons of emails about area news and events all the time. With our new feed system, we can quickly post things as we get them so you can keep up with local groups, schools and news. And it’s all on the front page so you don’t have to search for it. Don’t worry, if you missed it and don’t have our RSS feed you can find it in our archive.
- Google Calendar – We still have our great calendar but have made it even better by incorporating Google Calendar. With Google Calendar, you can save any event on our calendar to your calendar with the click of a button. How cool is that! Don’t have one, then check it out to learn more about how to use Google Calendar to simplify your life.
- Speak Out! – Got something to say? Well, we want to hear it. All of our posts allow you to comment. So the next time you have a great time at one of our sponsors, activities or attractions on our site, post a note and share your experience with everyone. Remember, SandhillsKids is all about community and we need to hear from you!
And that’s just the beginning….In the next few weeks, you will continue to see our site change and grow as we continue to add features and update the ones we’ve already created. As always, please send us your feedback. We love to hear what you have to say!
Thanks to all of our supporters and sponsors!