Girl Scouts of America – Moore County
Southern Pines Office
Website: nccoastalpines.org or girlscouts.org
Scouting for girls is divided into four phases: Daisies (for girls in grades K to 1), Brownies (grades 1 to 3), Junior Girl Scouts (grades 3 to 6) and Teen Girl Scouts (grades 6 to 12). Girl scouting helps girls of all ages gain self-confidence and build self-esteem through a variety of events including community service projects, camping, science projects, team building and other recreational activities. Local scouting troops participate in a wide range of council-sponsored programs, including an annual Camping Jamboree.
Where is the closest Girl Scout troop in to Pinehurst?
Hi Tina,
If you contact the local director, Laura Douglass, she can assist you. Her email address is ldouglass@nccoastalpines.org
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